Laytime/ Layday
Laytim/ Lay day can be defined as the amount of time allowed to a ship in a voyage charter for loading and unloading of cargo at a port. If a ship fails to complete the work during this allotted time and the ship is required to stay at a port for a longer time, then demurrage (fine) is incurred to the ship owner
How to clarify Lay time/ Lay day in a charter contract
1. Running days: consecutive days in accordance with schedul
2. Working days: consecutive working days (exclude Saturday, Sunday unless use)
3. Working days of 24 hours
4. Working days of 24 consecutive hours: A period of 24 consecutive working hours would be stated as a unit of time
5. Weather working day
- WWDSH: Sunday, holiday included
- WWDSHEX: Sunday, holiday excepted
- WWDSHEXUU: Sunday, holiday excepted unless use
- WWDSHEXEU: Sunday, holiday excepted even if use
Regulation on lay time
- According to GENCON contract:
- Commencement of laytime: depend on the moment that NOR (Notice of readiness) is tendered or tendered and accepted
+ If NOR was tendered before or at 12:00 a.m, time is counted from 1:00 p.m
+ If NOR was tendered after 12:00 a.m, time is counted from 6:00 a.m of the following day

The fine is often paid by the charterer to the ship owner as the former wants to use the ship for longer than decided time (Demurrage). However, if the charterer requires less than the defined lay time, It is the ship owner’s duty to pay to the charterer (Despatch money). These terms are pre-defined by the charter party dealing with the whole process.
Beside that, we also provide other services such as
- Packing, storage of cargoes
- Unloading, dunnage, scraping goods (in case of necessity)
- Control of, test items, goods
- Consultancy transport route selection, transport vehicles
- Express, , Sea cargo transportation
- Warehousing services
- Customs procedures; procedures at ports, airports, industrial zones; service application for the licens
At Indochina Post, you would have the fully satisfaction as
- Indochina Post always uphold the safety and security of goods as well as customer information to the top
- Good price: the cost of rental vans at very preferential Indochina Post. At Indochina Post, we ensure service delivery to customers with the most competitive price.
- Time 24/7: whenever, where, when customers need to rent trucks for transportation of goods, Indochina Post ready to provide services quickly and efficiently.
- Large car brigade, large, good quality, can meet all the requirements of customers at any given time.
- Professional staffs with long term educated period in logistics and foreign trade.