General Packaging Requirements of the IATA Frozen Cargo Packaging

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General Packaging Requirements of the IATA  Frozen Cargo Packaging

Today, the demand for transporting frozen goods by air is increasing, and the types of frozen goods are also very diverse. Therefore, the packaging of this type of good needs to be understood. Let’s Indochinapost to learn about the packaging regulations of frozen goods according to the regulations of the International Air Transport Association (IATA).

What is the process of packing frozen goods? 

The process of packing goods is understood as a simple process that follows the standards and requirements for packing goods after learning about the characteristics of each product as well as the external influences that can exert influence on the goods during transit.

This practice is intended to ensure that all goods are not damaged or damaged, ensure economic efficiency, as well as a basis for considering liability references for other stakeholders when there is any problem. Any issues that arose during shipping

According to the International Air Transport Association (IATA) Frozen Goods packing regulations:

Packaging and reinforcement must be strong enough to ensure that the container does not leak under the conditions of pressure and temperature changes in flight.

All containers must be made of waterproof material and sturdy enough to withstand the stacking of packages.

The bag or carrying case must be waterproof and sturdy enough to withstand movement during transport and must be sealed to prevent loss. Containers must not be filled, leaving at least 20% of the height of the container to prevent liquid from leaking due to temperature changes during transportation.

What about frozen goods? 

Packaging of frozen goods

It includes fresh foods that are always stored at extremely low temperatures to keep them from going rancid or stale. For example, seafood, shrimp, crab, fish, shellfish, snails, meat, or fruits and vegetables. In addition, dairy products are also stored frozen. Because of this trouble, there are quite a few businesses that do not want to trade this type of item. Or, international shipping is also extremely inconvenient. Because of these factors, the most dependable service and process for packing frozen goods and products was born.

packing frozen goods
packing frozen goods


Some packaging requirements for fruit products 

Packaging of frozen goods

Goods must be protected in layers of boxes, packages, or bottles.

Outer wraps such as boxes must be strong and sturdy so that when stacked, they do not damage the products inside.

Fruits and Vegetables Boxes can have holes in their walls . Applicable to : All fruits and vegetables

Such goods are not allowed to be overloaded in terms of weight and volume. Goods must have a breathable layer in accordance with market demand.

Some packing requirements for frozen items 

Packaging of frozen goods

Watertight containers shall be in accordance with the General Packaging Requirements of the IATA Frozen & Wet Cargo Packaging Requirement by Airline Operator .

Other containers shall be constructed of good quality waterproof materials .

The packaging must consist of Styrofoam box thickness of 30mm and the inner packaging MUST consist of two layers of plastic sheet with the thickness of 0.08 mm .

RECYCLE Containers / Styrofoam are STRICTLY PROHIBITED .

They shall also be constructed to withstand stacking to levels specified by the carrier . Absorbent material must be placed inside of inner packing as the absorption before sealing the packaging .

The outer packaging of the Styrofoam must be sealed with the adhesive 4 cm width gummed tape . Packing of shrimp or lobster shipments :

Apart from baby shrimp , polyethylene film inside the package is not required .  For lobster shipments , they shall be pre – cooled , left drain wrapped with paper and packed with gel ice in Styrofoam boxes.

Packing of live fish shipments : Live fish are packed in oxygen filled bag with water of 1/3 of its capacity , fastened its top and wrapped into another polyethylene bag also fastened in its top

For this type, we should wrap them in small bags because the packaging does not leak. Common packing materials are plastic bags with a minimum thickness of 0.1 mm, which must ensure that the bag is sealed.

Outer wraps such as boxes must be strong and sturdy so that when stacked, they do not damage the products inside.

Certain types of fresh produce are easily oxidized and need to be covered with several layers of ice. For this type of material, attention should be paid to:


 Dry ice: 

Do not contact them directly because it is easy to cause cold burns.

Do not let it come into direct contact with your goods.

Gel Ice : Recommended to apply frozen ice / gel packs . Proper ” Wet Cargo ” sticker must be affixed on the sealed Styrofoam box

Wet ice: 

Packaging of frozen goods

must be placed in a plastic bag and packaged with perishable parcels. Or if you can’t put it in a plastic bag, look for another type to ensure water retention.

Put an extra sticker on the outside to ensure that the package is kept moving in the right direction during transportation.

Use masking tape to fasten packages.

Wet Ice : Shall be put in polyethylene bags then packed together with perishables . In short, for each different type of good, we will have a more suitable choice. Besides such things, for each type of good, you also need to pack very carefully and according to the correct process so that your products and goods have the best quality when reaching customers.

Salt Water Fish ( Live ) & Coral

Live Crabs :


Absorbents material for inner packing and bubble wrap for coral shipment .


Styrofoam box weighing around 1.2 kg with thickness of 30 mm and max size of 75 x 42 x 32 cm , max weight 25 kg .

NO RECYCLE STYROFOAM All 23 %, paper sheet as absorption,  frozen mineral water bottle wrapped with newspaper and plastic layer

Outer Packaging

Place the bottle inside the Styrofoam box with holes , with live crabs inside: Soft Fiber Board box

Maximum of 10 ventilations , with maximum size of 2 cm diameter each hole . vii . Content must not exceed this ventilation hole .

Maximum of 10 ventilations hole ( See illustration next page ) , with maximum size of 2cm in diameter each hole .

Seal the Styrofoam box with adhesive / 4 cm width gummed tape

. ” This way up ” label must be affixed in 2 ( two ) opposite sides .

Handling: Load the package in the upright position with the seal at the top .Observe special handling label ” This Way Up ”



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