Logistics Day

Logistics Day recognizes and appreciates the role that the logistics industry plays. The process of moving and coordinating resources from one location to another is referred to as logistics. There are numerous components to this, ranging from packaging to shipping. There is also a substantial amount of equipment, inventory, materials, and people involved. Logistics Day was established to commemorate all of this!


History Of National Logistics Day

When Marco Polo traveled on the Silk Road to China and kept a detailed written record, he paved the way for merchants and traders to use this road between China and Europe in the future. The first semi-truck (horseless carriage) was built in 1896. This improved the way items were transported. The first air cargo flight took place between Columbus and Dayton in 1910. This accelerated the delivery of products within the United States. In 1956, the first container ship sailed across America from the port of New Jersey to Texas. This forever altered the way products moved around the world.

And this is how logistics got its start. Since that time, the industry has only grown stronger!
Now that you’ve learned about the history of logistics, how about the day itself? Logistics Plus Inc founded this in 2019 with the goal of celebrating the growing and important logistics sector. Since 1996, the company has been assisting the logistics industry. Its headquarters are in the historic train station in Erie, Pennsylvania. On top of the building, nearly 50 country flags fly, each representing the nationality of one of its customers or employees. This is a nod to how important global logistics is in today’s world.

How To Celebrate National Logistics Day

There are a variety of activities that you can participate in to commemorate Logistics Day. One option is to simply spend some time studying logistics. There are numerous excellent resources available on the internet, including sites devoted solely to logistics news. It is certainly worthwhile to set aside some time during your day to expand your knowledge of the industry.

Discovering the logistics behind one of your favorite products or services is another activity you can do on logistics day. This could range from your favorite make-up to your sports jerseys. Why not do some research and delve into the specifics of how the product is created from raw materials to your front door? Because the Internet contains a wealth of information, you may be able to piece together all of the details so that you can understand the entire journey that your favorite products take. You can also learn about the logistics that go into some of the world’s most famous events, such as motocross races and award ceremonies. You’ll probably be surprised to learn how important logistics is!

You could also see if there are any events going on in your area. Around the world, logistics trade shows, conferences, and events are held on a regular basis. Attending one of these events is highly recommended if you want to gain a thorough understanding of the industry.
You could even try your hand at a logistics game! Nowadays, you can find online games based on anything! There is nothing you cannot do, from building your own hotel empire to running a travel agency. This includes establishing your own logistics company. If this is something you’re interested in, a quick online search will reveal that you have a few different options to choose from. This is an enjoyable way to gain a better understanding of and appreciation for the logistics industry.
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