Norm of luggage, personal belongings for duty free in Vietnam
Indochinapost advises luggage, personal belongings, if the norms allowed to be exempt from tax, tax exemption, non-taxable.
Luggage norms are exempt from import tax, excise tax and value added tax of the entry as follows:
Alcohol, alcoholic beverages:
Wines from 22 degrees or higher: 1.5 liters
Wines under 22 degrees: 2.0 liters
Alcoholic beverages, beer: 3.0 liters
For alcohol, if the entry carries the bottles, vases, jars, cans (hereinafter referred to as bottle) with a larger capacity. However, capacity on a capacity is exceeding 01 (a) shall be exempt from tax liter bottles , if the volume exceeds 01 (a) l is the excess amount of tax payable under the provisions of law.
Cigarettes: 200 cigarettes;
Cigars: 100 cigars;
Tobacco: 500 grams
For cigarettes, cigars, the entry may carry them only duty-free allowance. If carried beyond duty-free allowance, the excess must be deposited at the gate customs warehouses and reclaimed within the time limit specified in Paragraph 5, Article 59 of Decree No. 08/2015 / ND-CP dated 21 May 01 2015 Government regulations. That details measures to implement the customs Law regarding customs procedures, inspection and supervision and customs control. Norms of tobacco, alcohol do not apply to persons under 18 years of age.

Norm of luggage, personal belongings for duty free
Personal belongings:
The number and types suitable for the purpose of the trip.
Other items:
The total value of no more than 10,000,000 (ten million) in Vietnam Dong.
Regular guests entry as defined in Paragraph 5, Article 58 of Decree No. 08/2015 / ND-CP dated 21 May 01 2015 of the Government. That details and measures to implement the Customs Law on customs procedures, inspection, supervision and customs control which do not enjoy duty-free luggage quotas. This suggests that each entry every 90 days are entitled to duty-free luggage quotas 01 (a) time.
Norms of moving goods duty-free:
Subjects of application:
Working foreigners working in Vietnam
Organizations and citizens of Vietnam finished business, working abroad about the country;
Vietnam citizens residing abroad have been resolved to register permanent residence in Vietnam;
Vietnam Person residing abroad are intellectuals, professionals. skilled workers in the country to work for a period of one year at the invitation of the State agency of Vietnam.

Norm of luggage, personal belongings for duty free in Vietnam
Level of norms:
Moving goods are transferred properties (including appliances and utensils for daily life, work has been used or brand new, except for cars, motorcycles) of individuals, institutions. Norms are import tax exemption, not subject to special consumption tax and value added tax for each utensils. Quantity: 01 (a) items.
For used cars, motorcycles owned by individuals are eligible, technical standards permitted for import into Vietnam in accordance with the law. These are exempted from import duties for 01 (a ) cars, 01 (a) motorcycles, but have to pay excise tax and value added tax in accordance with law.
Cars (used or brand new) of the individual to use while working in Vietnam are exempt from import tax, not taxable excise and value added tax. Quantity: 01 (a) cars.
Used cars to ensure eligibility, technical standards permitted for import into Vietnam in accordance with law.
Car owners must re-export of cars at the end of time working in Vietnam, transfer cases for organizations and individuals in Vietnam, they must pay taxes and comply with the law for cars Car imports used.
Where to send the cars to use in the next round of work, the owner must have the certificate of the Vietnam State agencies were invited to return and work.