As the globe has grown more linked, accelerated shipping has become critical to the global economy’s growth and the facilitation of worldwide trade. While just 2-3% of total cargo volume is transported by air each year, that little percentage contributes to about 35% of total cargo value. That translates to more than $6 trillion in goods that rely on the air freight sector for speed, security, and dependability each year.
Benefits of Air Cargo
Moving Forward
While foreign travel has been severely restricted in 2020, aviation cargo has continued to play an important role in the transfer of commodities, with some passenger airlines flying cargo-only flights to assist fulfill demand. As the global economy rebounds from its 2020 depression, air freight carriers and affiliates will play an important role in aiding that recovery, helping companies to respond to upswings in demand more rapidly in the coming years.
Feel free to contact the team at Indochinapost today for advice on cargo operations and cargo airline support services.